Cookie Policy

Social media buttons

On our website we use social media buttons to share or promote pages. The buttons of the different channels contain a code of the relevant social media channels themselves and this means that third party cookies are also sent. These cookies remember whether you are logged in. For more information, we recommend that you view privacy statements from social media networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, X, and/or others. 

Google Analytics

We collect data from our visitors and their surfing behavior via Google Analytics. The information is collected via "tracking cookies", with which we can see how visitors use the website through various reports. The data is anonymous, so IP addresses, for example, are not made transparent. Based on the data we are able to make any changes to the website in order to be able to serve our visitors even better. For more information, refer to the privacy statement of Google Analytics.


Finally, we use Hotjar (analytical) cookies. This will identify you as a unique visitor and ensure that you get the right content. It helps us analyze how users use the website. With these cookies we can continue to follow you through a session. These cookies automatically delete themselves after 365 days.

View here our extended Cookie policy.