Unintended methane emissions occur throughout the energy industry, both aboveground and underground. Since the launch of the new EU Methane Regulation, more operators are required to measure methane emissions, report them, and have this data verified across all their assets.
This includes Distribution System Operators (DSOs). While avoiding explosion risks remains a critical objective, creating a complete picture of your methane emission performance has now become a second key objective. This can be challenging since you have assets both aboveground and underground.
That's where our Environmental Service Line and Pipeline Management team come in. We provide advice to meet regulatory requirements and we visualize the methane emission situation for all your assets. Our Environmental Service Line executes field measurements on your compressor stations, valve stations, and/or metering stations. Whereas our pipeline inspectors perform leak detection on your buried pipelines on foot and by car.

OGMP 2.0 compliance

EU Methane Regulation compliance

Methane leak detection and quantification of buried pipelines

Ready to quantify methane leaks on your pipelines?
High Flow Sampling allows you to quantify found methane leaks on your buried assets. We help you comply with the new EU Methane Regulation with this approved measurement technology.